Every Sunrise Week 4

It’s that time again, where I post some of the sunrise photos I took this week. Why am I so obsessed with the sunrise? Because from the moment I decided not to end my own life (any of the many times I attempted to) every sunrise is both a victory and a gift.

If you’re feeling alone, desperate, out of control, call the number. You are not alone, please stay with us.

Suicide hotlines: (International) and (US) Continue reading

ESM Week 3

It’s a brand new week, so you know what that means. And Every Sunrise Matters post! It was a really challenging week for me last week; I had an accident which has impacted my mobility. I don’t thrive when I can’t exercise. Oh well. I’ve definitely had bigger problems than this, and hopefully I’ll heal quickly.

If you’re going through a hard time, please call for help. (US) (International) Stay and watch another sunrise with us. Please. Continue reading

Every Sunrise Week 2

Most of the sunrises weren’t very visually impressive this week. At least, not for those of us inland. That’s really not the point though. Whether the sky is on fire, or just quietly getting lighter, every new sunrise is a victory.

If you’ve had a rough week, month, year, life, you’re not alone. If you’re having thoughts of ending it all, you’re not alone. Call the number (US) (International), and please stay with us. Continue reading

Every Sunrise Matters

I’ve written before about my struggles with depression and suicidal ideations. It’s once of the reasons I’m rather obsessed with photographing the sunrise. I don’t manage it every day, but I try to do it as often as possible.

I thought it would be nice to collect and post those pictures on here once a week, along with a link to international suicide hotlines. If these posts inspire just one person to call, I can think of no higher purpose for my life. Continue reading

and We can Dance and be Free

My poetry is mostly about the dark side of my PTSD; it’s been incredibly healing so far to put some of that darkness into words and then let it go.

Out in the physical world, most people who meet me have no idea that I have any of the issues I am so brutally honest about on here. I present as friendly, positive, even sunny. I am all of those things, in fact, I am mostly those things.

My mental health struggles no longer sap all the joy and color from my world. I am about as free as a person with my background and scars can be, I’d say.

On a recent trip to Northerly Island, I was absolutely mesmerized by the Daphne Garden.* Those beautiful statues filled me with a sense of freedom and joy. Knowing the background about them now, it makes sense. My darkest parts make my light shine even brighter.

the wound is the place where the Light enters you- Rumi

This first statue reminds me of the Earth element, she is grounded and strong.

I don’t have much to say about the second statue; she’s beautiful, but she didn’t elicit much feeling from me individually.


The final statue brings to mind Air; more than dancing, she is almost flying.


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They are the most powerful when seen all together. Three metal women, dancing freely and proudly in the sunlight.

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*I need to stay in Chicago for another year, so I’m trying to have as many adventures as possible to scratch that adventure itch. And to make that year go by faster.